Thursday, September 23, 2010

The good news is that we got this one out of the way early in the season. In a disaster of train wreck proportions, the new-look Commas were unable to do anything right against a very capable Jerkstore X team. (If you're not familiar with that Seinfeld reference, this clip will bring you up to speed.) Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah, the next thing we knew it was 32-0 at the half. The second half began with a promising drive for Oxford, but it ended when a defender plucked a pass out of a receiver's hands right at the one-yard line. The bloodletting did not stop there, as the Commas continued to bang their heads against a wall. Final score: 48-0. Yeah, that's a zero. Shut up.

Perhaps we should move right into the Inspirational Football Clip of the Week; this one is about plays that start out bad and end up good, as we hope will happen to the season.

We only have a handful of highlights. Here is a defensive stop by Brian:

And no game--win or lose--is complete without a grumpy Gonzo rant:

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