Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Prodigal Footage Returns!

I had assumed that this footage was in someone else's possession until Taylor reminded me that Morgan filmed everything on MY camera instead of hers. So, in commemoration of Super Bowl Sunday, here is the footage from our last game.

First, a word about the team we were playing. Not only did they call themselves the Swedish Meatballs, but they also had a guy on their team sporting a half-beard, i.e. a beard covering only half of his face. So I thought we were going to roll right over them. But they did not make it easy in the first half. Dave managed to score an early touchdown, but was almost knocked out of the game due to an illegal move that could have threatened future little Daves (see video below). By halftime, we were only up 12-0; that's two scores, for you soccer fans.

But in the second half, we could do no wrong. Every pass was caught, every play worked out. The skies opened up. We each had the strength of ten men. Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria! When it was over, Oxford had scored an additional 36 unanswered points, with touchdowns for Jon, Brian, Elyse, Max, and Michelle. Kari, Jon, and Dave stepped in at quarterback to produce a couple of scoring drives. It was the most ruthlessly efficient performance that allowed the Commas to wrap up the season at 3-4.

So, we try again next season for the playoffs. With that in mind, here is the last Inspirational Football Clip of the year. FYI, training camp begins in July, and will be held at a remote island off the coast of Florida so that we can keep our focus. Be prepared to say goodbye to your wives and your sweethearts for about a month while we get back into football shape.

Here are the highlights:

Max and Dave ride a player out of bounds, prompting debate from everyone on the field and some yokels on the sidelines.

Dave and Elyse prevent a deep pass.

Matt catches a pass on the fullback play.

After his score, Dave discusses the sacrifice he made for the good of the team.

Max catches a pass over the middle.

Jon fakes out his defender and scores.

Taylor steals the ball back. Some great coaching from the sidelines: "AARGH! Get dat ball!"

Brian scores on a conversion.

Brian scoops up the ball on a rollout play.

Elyse rescues a broken play with a first down catch.

Brian scores after screaming for the ball like a little baby. Then he gets assaulted by the cameraman.

With Dave at QB, Ash makes the catch, takes the hit.

Elyse scores on a deep throw from Dave.